A leading co-ed CISCE school in Bangalore.
Affiliated to the CISCE, New Delhi. KA083.
Call us on +918296622888 any weekday.


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Your kid deserves the brightest future possible, and the brightest future calls for the strongest foundation.

Campus life

Three words to describe our campus? Inspiring, enabling and state-of-the-art.

Our kids spend more than half their waking hours every single day at school. That is why it is important that their campus is friendly, encouraging, safe, entertaining, inspiring, capable and an entire world of its own. We are proud that our campus is all this and more.

Appollo National Public School campus


Our campus has an environment conducive to learning. Our children feel at ease in spacious, well-lit class rooms with twenty-five children and ample space for movement.

Our state-of-the-art campus uses technology to look after children with over 150 well-placed CCTV cameras supporting our 24 hour security personnel who man all entry points.

At Appollo, your kids are safe, happy, and focussed on learning and improvement and self-exploration. They’re spending their precious childhood years well.


A well-stocked library is central to an educational institution and our library is second to none.

We have three different libraries with books and reference materials sorted by age group from PG to Primary to High School.

We also have daily newspapers in English, Hindi and Kannada along with magazines and scientific journals, all of which are freely available for our students and teachers.


We value our children’s safety above all else. We ply a fleet of school busses to different parts of Bangalore and require that our children either travel by our bus or be dropped by their parents or guardians. Private mass transportation is strictly prohibited.

Our capable transport department is led by our transport manager who is in charge of managing all aspects of school transportation. On top of this, we monitor the movements of all our busses using Smart Trackers fitted into each one of them.


Appollo believes in meshing technology and humanity with balance and care. We do not believe in replacing things with technology, rather in enhancing them.

Smart Boards assist our excellent teachers and spark our students’ imaginations. They add an extra dimension to the personal touch that our teachers already give.

Our Audio-Visual room has a capacity of 350 students and we never hold back when using it. We have two mini amphitheatres for cultural events that serve as exclusive arenas for various shows where our children can showcase their talents.


Well-equipped laboratories allow for hands-on and experiential learning. They are closely related to our classroom teaching so our kids get the best of both worlds. Each subject gets its own lab, be it physics, chemistry, biology or computing.

Juniors work with one lab partner each while seniors work independently in our labs. Besides the sciences, our students can also make use of the computing lab as an English language lab to improve their lingual and interpersonal skills.


We like to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for our kids and an environment-friendly campus in general. We work in any way we can to reduce our carbon footprint without taking anything away from our students.

We have washrooms on all floors with hand wash available at all times. We have an energetic housekeeping crew that ensures our entire campus is clean round the clock—something our parents often notice.

We also have a sickroom equipped with a basic medical toolkit, enough to ensure our kids’ immediate safety under almost any circumstance.

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